
Monday, June 10, 2019

The benefits and disadvantages of eating pineapple

The benefits and disadvantages of eating pineapple

March is coming, and it is time to eat pineapple. Pineapple is delicious, don't be greedy, and many people eat pineapple. So why is the tongue numb? How to relieve the symptoms of tongue hair, please see the detailed answer.

What are the benefits of eating pineapple?

1, health care

It promotes blood circulation enzymes, which can lower blood pressure, dilute blood lipids, and eat pineapple to prevent fat deposition. China eats net catering network experts to remind that athletes are suitable for pineapple: it has anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects, which can promote blood circulation.

2, lose weight

Weight loss: Pineapple contains almost all the vitamins needed by the body and can help digestion and absorption. The secret of pineapple weight loss is its rich juice, which can effectively dissolve fat. It can effectively mix pineapple or pineapple juice in food every day. However, avoid excessive or eating untreated raw pineapple. The first is to reduce the taste. It stimulates the oral mucosa; secondly, it is easy to cause the production of bromelain. People who are allergic to this protease may have symptoms such as itchy skin.

3, clean up the stomach

Often troubled by the amount of meat you eat, pineapple can help you solve your concerns about digestion and absorption. Bromelain can effectively break down proteins in food and increase gastrointestinal motility. Friends who are often troubled by constipation can try a recipe: every morning, eat a piece of fresh pineapple.

4, eliminate the cold

Cough and scorpion pain are the most obvious symptoms of a cold. In addition to resting quietly in bed, you can drink a cup of fresh pineapple juice, which has the effect of cooling, and can effectively prevent bronchitis, but it is best not to eat fever. China eats net reminders, medical research, since ancient times, humans often rely on the bromelain contained in pineapple to relieve the symptoms of sore throat and cough.

5, help digestion

Li Shizhen also affirmed in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that pineapple can strengthen the spleen and stomach and solid vitality. When you are too full and suffer from indigestion, eating pineapple can help digestion and relieve constipation. The reason why it helps digestion is mainly that the bromelain contained in it is working. This enzyme can decompose proteins in the stomach, supplement the deficiency of digestive enzymes in the human body, and restore the normal digestive function of patients with indigestion. Due to the role of cellulose, there is also a certain effect on constipation treatment.

In addition, pineapple is rich in vitamin B1, which can promote metabolism and eliminate fatigue; it is rich in dietary fiber, which makes the gastrointestinal tract move more smoothly. China eat net said that the protease contained in the fresh pineapple can decompose the protein in the food, so after eating a pineapple after the meal, it can appetite, relieve greasy and help digestion.

6, beauty

Pineapple rich in vitamin B can effectively nourish the skin, prevent the skin from chapped, moisturize the hair, and also eliminate the body's tension and enhance the body's immunity.

7, prevent high blood pressure

Pineapple is rich in blood circulation enzymes that lower blood pressure, dilute blood lipids, and eat pineapple to prevent fat deposits.

What are the disadvantages of eating pineapples?

    Since the pineapple contains stimulating anthraquinones and bromelain, the peel and prickly thorn should be repaired, the flesh should be cut into pieces, immersed in dilute brine or sugar water, and the mites should be leached and then eaten;

2. Pineapple also contains an organic substance containing ammonia, which can cause a more obvious reaction after it is eaten by sensitive people. This substance can cause strong contraction of blood vessels, increase in blood pressure, and cause adverse reactions such as headaches. Therefore, allergic people should be careful when eating pineapple, try not to eat. Soaking pineapple with salt water can reduce or prevent people's allergies to pineapple, but those with severe allergies should not eat pineapple. People with ulcer disease, kidney disease, and coagulopathy should fasting pineapples. People with fever and acne with eczema should not eat more.

3. Pineapple and eggs can not be eaten together. The protein in the egg is combined with the fruit acid in the pineapple, which makes the protein coagulate and affect digestion.

4. Pineapple and honey can be eaten at the same time, and pineapple and honey simmered water can cure bronchitis. However, people who are not feeling well or have symptoms of diarrhea are advised not to eat this way.

Why do you eat pineapple with tongue?

In the pineapple pulp, there is also a kind of "pineapple enzyme (méi)", which has a special stimulating effect on our tongue and oral epidermis, while salt can control the activity of pineapple enzyme, so if we eat it, there is no After the salted pineapple pulp, the mouth, tongue and even the lips will have a slight numb tingling feeling, which is the role of the enzyme.
Pineapple is a very common fruit. When you eat pineapple tongue, it will be numb. This is because pineapple contains a substance called "pineapple chymase", which is composed of protein and plays a catalytic role in biochemical changes. There will be allergic phenomena, such as mouth numbness, abdominal pain, dizziness and other symptoms. If you have inflammation, edema or blood clots, don't prevent eating more pineapples at the same time as active treatment, I believe it will play a certain auxiliary role.

Why do pineapples use salt water to soak?

First, avoid allergic reactions

Some people may have some allergic reactions after eating pineapple. They have a sudden onset of fever from 15 minutes to an hour after eating pineapple. They also have abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting or headache, dizziness, flushing, and itchy body. There are also problems with limbs and numbness in the limbs, and some people may have a series of more serious allergic symptoms such as shock.

People used to call this pineapple allergy reflected as "pineapple poisoning" or "pineapple disease."

The main cause of the "pineapple disease" sensitizer is "pineapple chymase".

Brine can destroy the sensitizing structure of "pineapple chymase", causing it to lose its toxicity to individual physique.

Therefore, when eating pineapple, you can first peel off the peel, remove the peel, then cut open and soak in salt water, which can reduce the accident of pineapple chymase allergy.

Second, let the taste be sweeter

It is best to soak the pineapple for about half an hour to prevent allergies, and to break down some of the organic acids in the pineapple into the salt water.

Make the pineapple look sweeter. In addition, the pineapple also contains oxalic acid, which will affect the body's absorption of calcium and iron. Soaking with salt will also neutralize its acidity and reduce the harm to the body.

The contents of the above terms are all from the network, all of which are based on the original author's point of view and are for reference only. They do not represent the position of Jingdong. Thank you for your support to Jingdong. I wish you a happy shopping!

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