
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Kiwifruit's nutritional benefits, eating methods, benefits and contraindications


Kiwifruit's nutritional benefits, eating methods, benefits and contraindications

Kiwifruit, also known as kiwifruit, Chinese vinegar millet, is a generic term for many cultivars in the genus Actinidia (the main source includes delicious kiwi), and other Chinese names include macaque pear, vine pear, pear, peach, and carambola. , vegetal fruit, wood and rosewood.

The most common kiwi fruit, about the size of an egg (about 6 cm high, about 4.5 to 5.5 cm circumference), is generally oval. The dark brown and hairy epidermis is generally not eaten. Inside it is a bright green flesh and a row of black seeds. The texture of the kiwi is soft and the taste is sometimes described as a mixture of strawberries, bananas and pineapples. Because the macaques like to eat, it is called kiwifruit; some people say that because the skin is covered with hair, it looks like a macaque.
Kiwifruit's nutritional benefits, eating methods, benefits and contraindications

Eat a lot of kiwifruit benefits

Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C and E, dietary fiber, beta carotene, and calcium, magnesium, amino acid and other ingredients. Past research indicates that two kiwis can help sleep and reduce arteriosclerosis every day. Improve constipation.

A balanced diet and regular life are the only ways to maintain good health. It is recommended that you eat more fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber, and adjust your lifestyle to easily avoid the disturbance caused by constipation.

Kiwifruit can be said to be the perfect food for many people because it has high nutritional value and low calories. The fat content is very low, the vitamin content is very rich, and the benefits of eating kiwifruit are many, except for a large amount of vitamin C supplementation. Lowering blood pressure, even helping to stabilize mood and improve sleep quality, the latest medical research has found that eating kiwi can help defecation and improve constipation.

Eat 2 kiwis a day for four weeks and improve constipation. The oligosaccharides in kiwifruit, the decomposition of dietary fiber and sulfur-containing proteins, can promote gastrointestinal motility and improve intestinal health. Traditional medicine also believes that kiwifruit is a cold fruit, which has the effects of clearing heat, diuresis, dilated phlegm, swelling, fluid, moistening, stomach and prolactin. Kiwifruit is rich in cellulosic, pectin and 12 amino acids, which help to improve indigestion, loss of appetite, urinary calculi, arthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, liver spots and so on.

Eating kiwifruit can also block the formation of the carcinogenic factor "nitrite", so it can prevent esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, rectal cancer and so on. Kiwifruit also contains ingredients that promote the body's lutein, effectively prevent retinal detachment, improve vision loss, prevent lung cancer and prostate cancer, and is the best anti-cancer fruit for smokers. Because it contains low sodium and high potassium, rich in magnesium, and arginine which can avoid vascular obstruction, eating kiwifruit can effectively improve heart disease and high blood pressure.

Kiwifruit efficacy

  • Improve immunity
  • Radiation resistant. anti-oxidation. Anti-free radical
  • Enhance digestion
 Helps the wound heal and has the effect of treating impotence and improving sexual function.
Skin-beautifying effect: Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C and other minerals such as potassium, which can provide more nutrients to the skin, as well as cleansing, revitalizing and exfoliating functions.
Kiwifruit has higher calcium content than grapefruit, apple and banana, and calcium is an important element that can improve sleep quality, which can improve the stability and relaxation of the nervous system.
Properly promote bowel movements, enhance the absorption of food, reduce the occurrence of flatulence, so that you can gradually improve your sleep.
It also prevents the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, lowers blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and has obvious effects on high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and leprosy.
Want to lose weight, prevent constipation, not rely on it, kiwi high unit of dietary fiber can not only promote gastrointestinal motility, kiwi can also increase satiety, with kiwifruit low calorie (only 45 calorie) characteristics, is For weight loss and the best choice for nutrition, kiwifruit is a good way to balance nutrients and maintain physical strength for the night cats.
I have heard about the terminal, amino acid and other terms? Medical research has long found that they play an important role in preventing adult depression, promoting lung function development, increasing intracellular hormonal response and nerve conduction function, and the content of these two components in kiwifruit is much higher than other fruits. Magnesium is indispensable in neurotransmitters. The presence of magnesium in kiwifruit confirms that this fruit has enough brain-enhancing effect. Want to make up the brain? Eating kiwifruit every day to improve, has a certain effect.

The relationship between kiwifruit and cancer

Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C, and its absorption rate is up to 94%, which can improve the body's immunity, block the formation of the carcinogenic factor "nitrite", prevent reactive oxygen species and carcinogens from harming genes, and Prevent the formation of gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer.

Kiwifruit is a green vegetable and fruit that contains yellow pigment in the body to produce lutein substances, which can prevent the formation of lung cancer and prostate cancer. In addition, the kiwi fiber is mostly pectin, which can adsorb carcinogens, excrete it early, inhibit the reproduction of harmful bacteria, and achieve the effect of preventing colorectal cancer. It contains many tannins and is a kind of polyphenol. It is strong against viruses and can protect the epidermis of normal cells, so that the virus can not invade and get nutrients, and contains peptides to strengthen the anti-cancer power of cells and block harmful substances from invading the human body. . Cancer treatment, nausea, vomiting can eat some immature fruit, has the effect of inhibiting vomiting. Kiwifruit has a high potassium content, which balances the electrolyte imbalance in the patient's body and is therefore an edible fruit for recovery.

The relationship between kiwifruit and other diseases
Kiwifruit is a cool food. It is full of fire, often staying up late or bubbling in the mouth. You can eat some kiwifruit. At the same time, vitamin C can accelerate the conversion of triglyceride and cholesterol into bile acid, keeping the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, which is not easy to cause. Atherosclerotic changes, vascular sclerosis and high blood pressure. Daily intake of more than 75 mg of vitamin C (about a kiwi), can prevent periodontal disease, stomatitis, and increase appetite, improve immunity, eliminate the virus, fatigue, promote vision health, bones and teeth, Anti-aging, reduce or dilute skin freckles. Because of its interaction with a variety of amino acids, pantothenic acid, folic acid, magnesium and tyrosine, copper and iron, it also has black hair and beauty effects.

The cellulose contained in kiwifruit is the food of choice for constipation. It contains proteolytic enzymes to help protein, meat digestion and prevent protein coagulation. Because of the high potassium content, people with weaker kidney function, urinary or dialysis patients are advised to eat less.

How should kiwifruit eat?

Fresh food: choose mature and elastic, the meat is greenish, cut and eat with a spoon when eating, if the acid can add fructose. Chinese eating: Add kiwi slices or diced to Yogurt (providing dietary fiber).
Western-style eating: assorted salads, kiwis, strawberries, grapes, cantaloupe, and small tomatoes, mixed into fruit salads, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Selection and preservation of kiwifruit
The fruit is large, the fruit is normal, the skin is healthy, and the ripeness is moderate. The flesh is flexible, and there is no frostbite, crush or rot. If you want to eat now, choose soft and ripe scent. After buying it, you can put it in a plastic bag (anti-pressure, frostbite) and store it at room temperature. It has fruity appearance (three to five days). The pedicle is soft and has subcutaneous Elasticity (no pressure can be applied at this time to prevent crushing), you can eat.

Taboo eating kiwi

Kiwifruit is aromatic and nutritious. It is known as the "king of the fruit" and is very popular among consumers. The two kiwis contain one-third of the nutrients required for one day, and are the most abundant and comprehensive of the various fruits. Eating kiwifruit is not only good for health, but also has unexpected effects on whitening and slimming, especially for female friends. But at the same time, kiwis are cold and some people are not suitable for eating.

Therefore, the mothers of Amy can eat more kiwifruit in moderation, so that they don't have to worry about the "invasion" of their own white face after pregnancy.

Who is not suitable for eating kiwifruit?

Although kiwi is good, it is not suitable for everyone. Because the kiwi is cold, the spleen and stomach should be eaten with caution. Frequent diarrhea and frequent urination should not be eaten. Patients with menorrhagia and threatened abortion should also avoid eating.

People with frequent urination should not eat more
People who have a lot of menstruation or have abortions eat less
Deficiency of the spleen and stomach, thin stools, diarrhea should not be appropriate
Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C, which can nourish beauty, help digestion, anti-aging, enhance immunity and lower cholesterol; dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation; potassium can maintain body fluid balance and regulate blood pressure, which is beneficial to hypertensive patients; Kiwifruit contains proteinases, promotes protein digestion, prevents stomach nausea, and prevents diseases caused by meat or excess nutrients.
A few people have an allergic reaction to kiwifruit, especially in young children, which can cause swelling of the lips, tongue, face, rash, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms. In severe cases, there may be difficulty breathing and collapse.
Anyone with severe anemia and frequent diarrhea should not eat more, and kiwifruit contains potassium, so kidney failure, uremia or dialysis should not be eaten.
Due to the high vitamin C content of kiwifruit, avoid eating with milk to avoid abdominal pain and diarrhea. To accelerate the ripening of kiwifruit, put it in plastic bag with apple and store it at room temperature. If it is fully mature, it is best to eat it as soon as possible. Or put it in the refrigerator to avoid rotten flesh, eating more unhealthy. Although kiwifruit is a negative food, it is moderately negative when it is eaten with neutral honey.

Kiwifruit has a high vitamin C content, and the optimal daily consumption is one. The pre-meal consumption is mainly to take in the nutrients contained in it, and the post-meal consumption can promote digestion and help excretion.

In food mix, kiwi should be eaten with fish or pork. Because the amount of exotic juice can be softened when cooking pork, the taste of the pork is better and the food is delicious. The kiwifruit contains enzymes that can decompose proteins. Therefore, when eating fish dishes, it is best to use kiwifruit. As a dessert, it can help protein digestion and absorption

Studies in the United Kingdom have shown that excessive consumption of kiwifruit in some children can cause severe allergic reactions and even lead to collapse. However, there were no reports of deaths caused by eating kiwifruit. Parents are advised to squeeze the kiwi into fresh juice for children to eat, which is safer than cutting into pieces to feed the child.

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