
Sunday, June 9, 2019

The nutritional value of pears

The nutritional value of pears

Pear tree body is a treasure, pear skin, pear leaf, pear flower, pear root can be used as medicine, there are lungs, eliminate phlegm, heat, detoxification and other effects. Pear is the "one of the hundred fruit", because it is tender and juicy, sweet and sour taste, so it is also known as "natural mineral water." It is important in the fruit, and its suitability is wider than that of apples. There are few people who do not like pears.

Pear, also known as quick fruit, honey father, fruit sage, jade milk, commonly known as white pear, sand pear and pear, is the fruit of a tree pear tree, its sweet and sour taste, cool and flat.

Pears have been cultivated in China for more than 3,000 years and are now produced throughout the country. There are more than 1,000 varieties, and the famous ones include Anhui yam pear, Hebei pear, northwest tribute pear and Hubei sand pear. However, the outer skin is cyan or color, yellow, white, etc., and the meat is white. The quality of pears is also very different, but it is thin, thin, sweet, crisp, juicy, fresh, small, and slag-free.

Step 1 dietary fiber

A recent study by American nutritionists found that each pear contains 10 grams of cholesterol-lowering dietary fiber, which is 40% of the daily dietary fiber requirement. A survey of adults in Maryland found that those who consumed the most dietary fiber had the lowest levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein; these people were the lightest, had the lowest height and body mass index, and had the smallest waist circumference.

Step 2 Wood and Fiber

The tongue will have a rough feel when eating pears. This is because stone cells such as wood and fiber are combined to stimulate the intestine and eliminate constipation.

Step 3 Sugar

The sugar contained in pears is fructose and glucose. It has the functions of protecting liver, helping digestion and promoting appetite. It can be used as an auxiliary diet for patients with hepatitis and cirrhosis, and has a protective effect on the liver.

Step 4 glycoside

The glycoside and citric acid contained in the pear can relieve cough and have a protective effect on the throat. At the same time, due to high blood pressure and pulmonary heart disease caused by dizziness, palpitations, tinnitus and other symptoms can have a good relief.

Step 5 Vitamins

Pear contains a variety of vitamins and potassium, calcium, blood pressure, heat, sedative and diuretic effects, high blood pressure, heart disease accompanied by dizziness, palpitations, tinnitus, have a certain therapeutic effect.

Step 6 lignin

Pear seeds contain lignin, an insoluble fiber that dissolves in the intestines and forms a gelatinous film that can be eliminated by binding to cholesterol in the intestines. Pears contain boron to prevent osteoporosis in women. When boron is sufficient, memory, attention, and mental acuity will increase.

Step 7 B vitamins

Pear is rich in B vitamins, which can protect the heart, reduce fatigue, enhance myocardial vitality, lower blood pressure, and play a role in reducing blood pressure.

Step 8 Pectin

The pectin content in pears is high, which helps digestion and pooping.

Step 9 Water and Organic Acids

Pears contain a lot of water and organic acids, which have the effect of reducing heat and relieving heat. It is very beneficial to keep the two clear, and it can be used as a supplement for water and nutrition when it is hot.

Pear heat

A crisp, juicy pear with 50 calories. Wash the pears and eat them with raw skin to increase the amount of fiber and obtain a variety of vitamins.

Eat more pears can lower cholesterol, pears lose weight, Xiaobian is very fond of eating pears, but pears can not eat too much, be careful to cause diarrhea.

Dietary method of eating pears

Get up in the morning and a cup of salted water, then eat a pear and add an egg. Lunch can be eaten according to your own habits, but only eat 7 minutes full, and avoid fried and greasy food. Dinner with vegetarian dishes and pears Mainly, then drink a bowl of vegetable soup.

Intimate reminder

Don't eat snacks outside of three meals! When you are hungry, you can eat pears. This method adheres to the effect of two weeks, especially the sisters who are afraid of trouble and lose weight.

The efficacy and role of pear

Pear is not only a popular fruit, but it has long been used as a health care medicine. Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "There are so many pears, all of which are top grades, which can cure diseases." It is pointed out that pears can "run lungs and cool the heart, eliminate phlegm and reduce fire, and relieve sore and poisonous wine." Modern medical research believes that Pear also has the effect of lowering blood pressure and clearing heat.

Pear is sweet and slightly acidic, cold, into the lungs, stomach; has the effect of Shengjin, moistening, clearing heat, phlegm and hangover; used for dry cough, thirst, constipation, etc. caused by fever or yin deficiency Symptoms, can also be used for internal heat caused by polydipsia, cough, phlegm and other symptoms.

Each part of the pear has different effects. Pear fruit: Shengjin, moistening, clearing heat, phlegm and other effects, suitable for fever, polydipsia, diabetes, fever, cough, convulsions, convulsions, thirst Loss of sound, red eyes and swelling, indigestion.

Pear peel

Clear heart, lungs, fire, Shengjin, nourishing kidney, nourishing yin. Roots, branches and leaves, flowers have the effect of moistening the lungs, eliminating heat and detoxification.

Pear seed

It contains lignin, an insoluble fiber that dissolves in the intestines and forms a film like adhesive tape, which is excreted in combination with cholesterol in the intestines.

Step 1 Calming and calming

Pears are cool and can be calmed and calmed. Regular eating can restore blood pressure to normal and improve symptoms such as dizziness and dizziness;

Step 2 Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Pear can prevent atherosclerosis and inhibit the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, thereby preventing cancer and cancer. Pear has the function of discharging carcinogens and resisting cell variability. Smokers often eat pears, which can reduce the amount of harmful substances in the blood and excrete them with the urine. Pear can also promote the growth of spleen cells and prevent cell cancer.

Radiation protection

On November 21, 2009, the research results of the American biologist Judess Lautus showed that immature or semi-ripe pears have anti-radiation effects. The ripening of pears requires a large amount of insolation and can effectively absorb the rays in the sun. Recently, the Silicon Valley Fractional Office in the United States has used pears as the main anti-radiation item. They believe that the anti-radiation effect of pears is far greater than cactus and aloe vera, and it is more beautiful than the cactus.

Step 4 reduces the chance of catching a cold

Recent studies have found that people who eat more pears are far less likely to have a cold than those who do not eat or eat pears. Therefore, some scientists and physicians refer to pears as "all-round healthy fruits" or "general practitioners." Air pollution is now more serious. Eating more pears can improve respiratory and lung function and protect the lungs from dust and fumes in the air.

Step 5 protects the dice

Pears are plentiful, sweet and sour, can nourish yin and produce fluid, and have a good therapeutic effect on throat diseases. Broadcasting and singing staff often eat cooked pears, which can play a role in maintaining the scorpion.

Step 6 Run the lungs

: "Qiu dry Runfei pear is the first.", pears can clear the heat to reduce fire, lungs and cough, Shengjin, moistening dryness. In particular, lung heat and coughing are more common, which is good for restoring health.

Step 7 to treat headache and dizziness

Pears are cool and can be calmed and calmed. Regular eating can restore blood pressure to normal and improve symptoms such as dizziness.

Step 8 hangover

The pears are cool and the stomach is also hangover. Eating a pear can cool the stomach, especially for people who drink, because pears contain more polysaccharides and more vitamins, which have a certain protective effect on the liver.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" said that pears can "resolve sore and alcohol". Method: Fresh pear juice, even served 300 ~ 500 ml; or pears into rice vinegar soaked for 1 week, each half or one, can cure indigestion, loss of appetite and hangover. Drink pears after drinking and feel comfortable.

Step 9 remove plaque

There are some soft particles in the pears, called stone cells, which are found in the peel and pulp. On average, about 0.64 grams of stone cells per 100 grams of pears can effectively remove plaque from the teeth. The dentist recently found that eating half a pear can remove 20% of the plaque in the teeth, and even the skin is better.

Step 10 promote digestion, replenish moisture

Pear can promote appetite, help digestion, and has a diuretic and antipyretic effect. It can be used to replenish water and nutrients when it is hot.

Step 11 Run dry and eliminate wind

Pear has the effect of moistening dryness and eliminating wind. When the climate is dry in spring, people often feel itchy skin, dry nose and mouth, and sometimes dry cough and less. Eating one or two pears a day can relieve dryness.


Pear's small recipe

Step 1: Cold, cough, acute bronchitis

1 pear, washed and chopped, steamed and eaten. Or put the pear to the top to dig the core, put 3 grams of Fritillaria, 10 grams of rock sugar, set the bowl of fire inside the candle, wait until the pear is cooked, drink soup to eat pears, and even served 2-3 days, the effect is particularly good.

Step 2: Chronic bronchitis, dry cough, phlegm, dry mouth, constipation

1 pear, honey or ice essence into the pear, steamed and eat pear soup, 1 time a day, even for 5 days for a course of treatment. Or pear peeled and peeled, put 10 grams of almonds, 30 grams of rock sugar steamed to eat, can stop cough and phlegm, heat and fluid.

Step 3 lung heat, sore throat, aphasia

The Sydney juice is slowly swallowed and taken 3-4 times a day.

Step 4: Lung heat cough

Raw pear with rock sugar stew, or raw pear to heart and 3 grams of mother-of-pearl stew; or pear 1, 30 grams of reed rhizome, rock sugar with boiled, hot food before going to bed, see small sweat is good, eat 3 days; or pear Juice, simmered juice, etc.

Step 5 Whooping cough

Pear dig heart with 1 gram of ephedra or 3 grams of Chuanbei, 6 grams of orange kernels, cover steamed and eat.

Step 6 Tuberculosis hemoptysis, dry cough without flaws

10 grams of Chuanbei, pear 2 peeled and digging heart cut, add pig lung soup, sugar candy, can heat the lungs, cough and phlegm.

Step 7: Tuberculosis is weak

Pear juice 100 ml, human milk 100 ml steamed hot drink, can make up the blood, nourishing yin and moistening.

Step 8: Cough, dry cough, hemoptysis

6 Sydney. Peeling and digging the heart, boiled 100 grams of glutinous rice into rice, 12 grams of Chuanbei powder. 100 grams of melon strips are chopped. 100 grams of rock sugar, mix well, put in pears, steamed for 50 minutes, eat, morning and evening, each serving, can lungs and phlegm, reduce fire and cough.

Step 9: Children's wind and heat cough, loss of appetite

Yali decoction juice, add rice porridge.

Step 10, fatigue, tuberculosis, fever, chronic cough

1000 grams of pear and white radish, chopped juice, concentrated into a paste, add 250 grams of ginger juice, and 250 grams of condensed milk, honey, stir well, boil the bottle, each serving 1 spoon.

Step 11 pharyngitis, redness, heat pain, difficulty swallowing

Sha pear is impregnated with rice vinegar, smashed, juiced, slowly swallowed, 1 time each morning and evening

Step 12: Coughing the lungs has been injured, coughing less, dry throat

1 Sydney, 15 grams of lily, 25 grams of rock sugar, boiled, ready to eat when the lily is ripe.

Step 13 clearing cough and relieving cough

Pear juice, add ginger juice, white honey; or add pear juice to ginger juice, white honey for consumption.

Step 14 Invasive tuberculosis

100 grams of dried Sydney, 50 grams of spinach root, lily, and mother-of-pearl are eaten after boiling water.

Step 15: lack of fluid, dry cough

1 Sydney, 25 grams of chrysanthemum and Ophiopogon, and add appropriate amount of sugar after decoction.

Step 16 is long

Pear skin, pomegranate skin, appropriate amount of decoction.

Step 17 is too warm, thirsty

1 sweet pear, cut into thin slices, soaked in cold water for half a day, pick up juice, drink frequently.

Step 18: There is heat in the yin

1 Sydney, 10 grams of snow fungus, 5 grams of Fritillaria, taken in water.

Step 19, vomiting, not enough medicine

1 large pear, 15 pieces of cloves into the pear, 4-5 layers of wet paper, cooked food.

Step 20 drunk

Pear raw food or pear juice dress.

Pear eating

Step 1 Steamed pear

Sugar and steamed pear is a traditional dietary supplement in China. It can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, stop coughing, and has a good moisturizing and protective effect on lice.

Step 2 Juice

Pear the pear into pear juice, or add fat sea, winter melon seeds, rock sugar a little, boil, drink the weather, dry, physical fire, laryngitis dry, voice is not good, have the effect of nourishing the throat, supplementing the body fluid.

Step 3 raw food

The folks have the saying that "the heat of the living is clear and the acquaintances are nourishing." Therefore, raw pears can significantly relieve the symptoms of dry throat, itching, pain, dumbness, and constipation urinary redness in patients with upper respiratory tract infections.

Step 4 Pear Drink

It is made from pear and honey and has obvious curative effect on patients with lung heat and cough.

Eat pear knowledge

Pears are quite brittle, so they are suitable for raw food. But if it is pear. To make the pear ripe, just put it at room temperature and ventilate well. After maturity, the fiber of pectin will increase dramatically. When we touch it with your fingers, it will be slightly concave, and when it has a sweet smell, it is time to eat.

It is easy to open when cooking, and it is best to use fruits that are not yet mature.

Pears have different maturity

Eating raw pears can obviously relieve the symptoms of dry throat, itching, pain, dumbness, constipation and urinary redness in patients with upper respiratory tract infections; squeeze pears into pear juice, or add fat sea, winter melon seeds, rock sugar, boil It has the effect of nourishing the throat and replenishing the body fluid for the dry weather, the physical fire, the dry throat, and the lack of sound;

Cook pears, such as rock sugar steamed pears can play the role of nourishing Yin and moistening the lungs, cough and phlegm. The famous pear cream in China and abroad is made from pear and honey. It is obvious to patients suffering from lung heat and chronic cough. Efficacy.

The medical book of the late Qing Dynasty, "Roche's appointment with medical mirror" also has such a record: the outside of the pear can disperse the wind, and the inside can be dispelled. Health, clear six heat; cooked food, nourishing the five dirty.

Pear notes

Step 1 is to avoid eating
  • Eating pears after eating animal food can reduce the negative effects of cholesterol on the body.
  • Cooked pears are more effective in protecting lice.
  • Pears are cold and cold, don't eat too much at a time.

Step 2 crowd avoidance
  • Long-term smoking, broadcast broadcasters and teachers should be eaten regularly.
  • Hepatitis patients, patients with cirrhosis, and patients with poor renal function should be eaten regularly.
  • People with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat.
  • Long-term diarrhea is not suitable for consumption.
  • Cold cough, cold abdominal pain, spleen deficiency, and maternal care should be taken with caution

Step 3, eating pears has three bogeys

One avoids more food, two bogey and greasy food with food, three bogey hot and cold omnivorous.

Although the pear is a good fruit, it is not suitable for eating too much. If it is too much, it will hurt the spleen and stomach and help the dampness. In addition, pears have a diuretic effect, and those who have frequent urination at night have to eat less pears before going to bed.

Pears should not be used with alkaline drugs, such as aminophylline and baking soda. Do not eat with crabs to prevent diarrhea.

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