
Monday, June 3, 2019

The benefits and disadvantages of eating cabbage is really a good thing?

The benefits and disadvantages of eating cabbage is really a good thing?

1, eat cabbage can make calcium
Chinese cabbage contains rich calcium, which contains milligrams of calcium per gram. A cup of cooked Chinese cabbage juice can supply almost as much calcium as a glass of milk. Some people don't like to drink milk, they can get a lot of calcium by eating enough cabbage.

2. Chinese cabbage has a high water content and low calories. The air is dry in winter, and the cold wind is very harmful to human skin. The cabbage contains rich vitamin C, e, and more cabbage, which can play a good skin care and beauty effect.

3, eating cabbage can prevent cancer
Scientists at the New York Institute of Hormone Research have invented that the rate of breast cancer among women in China and Japan is much lower than that of Western women because they often eat cabbage.
There are some trace elements in cabbage that help break down the estrogen that is involved in breast cancer. Cabbage also contains trace amounts of molybdenum, which can inhibit the formation of nitrite in the human body and play a certain role in preventing cancer.

4, cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, can play a laxative effect. For those who are prone to get angry, eating more cabbage has a clearing effect.
Cabbage saves the most nutritious value, and it will not be lost without cooking and heating. Some ingredients can be eaten raw and some will not work.

The cabbage can be eaten completely. It is best to choose the cabbage heart for raw oyster sauce. The outermost layer of the cabbage is simmered and stewed or fried. The heart inside is directly dipped in sauce. It is very sweet and has moisture. good. As for the choice of sauce, you can choose according to each person's preferences. You can choose fragrant sauce, Korean chili sauce, bean paste, miso and so on.

What are the benefits of eating cabbage?

Cabbage is a variant of Brassicaceae cabbage. Leaves firm and bright, elliptic or oblong, about 30 cm long, greenish in color; leaf base gradually narrowed into petiole, petiole narrow. The Chinese cabbage is native to China and cultivated everywhere. It is the most widely planted in the south and is supplied all year round. It is the most in spring and summer. Cabbage is rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron. It has a soft texture and a fragrant taste. It is a popular dish. Cabbage is best with no yellow leaves, no rotten leaves, and neat appearance. Cabbage is the most abundant dish of vegetables containing minerals and vitamins. The cabbage, vitamin C and carotene contained in Chinese cabbage are higher than Chinese cabbage, and the sugar and carbohydrate contained are slightly lower than Chinese cabbage.

Nutrition and diet:
1. Provide nutrition and physical fitness: Green vegetables are one of the most abundant vegetables with vitamins and minerals. If an adult eats 500 grams of green vegetables a day, it can satisfy the vitamins, carotene, calcium and iron needed by the human body. In order to ensure the physical needs of the body to provide material conditions, it helps to enhance the body's immunity.

2. Maintaining blood vessel elasticity: Green vegetables contain a large amount of crude fiber, which enters the human body and combines with fat to prevent the formation of plasma cholesterol, which promotes the excretion of cholesterol metabolite cholic acid to reduce the formation of atherosclerosis, thereby maintaining blood vessels. elasticity.

3. Moisturizes skin and delays aging: Green vegetables contain a lot of carotene than beans, tomatoes, melons, and rich in vitamin C. After entering the human body, it can promote skin cell metabolism and prevent rough skin and pigmentation. Brightens the skin and delays aging.

4. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: Vitamin C contained in vegetables forms a “hyaluronic acid inhibitor” in the body. This substance has anti-cancer effect and can make cancer cells lose vitality. In addition, the crude fiber contained in the vegetables can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine, increase the discharge of toxins in the large intestine, and achieve the purpose of preventing cancer and cancer.

 5, attending lung heat cough, body heat, thirst, chest tightness, upset, eating less constipation, abdominal distension and other symptoms.

Production guidance: not suitable for raw food. Making dishes with Chinese cabbage, stir-fry, simmering time should not be too long, so as not to lose nutrition.

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