
Monday, June 3, 2019

What are the benefits of eating eggplant? And who is not suitable for eating!

What are the benefits of eating eggplant? And who is not suitable for eating!

Eggplant is a common vegetable, and the price is very cheap, but its nutritional health effect can not be underestimated. For health, eating eggplant has many benefits. So what are the benefits of eating eggplant? Let's talk about it in detail below.

Eggplant is originally a vegetable with high nutritional value. The fat and calories are extremely low. Each 100 grams of purple long eggplant contains only 0.1 grams of fat, and the calories are less than half that of apples. It contains 1 gram of protein, 3.5 to 4 grams of carbohydrates, 1.2 to 1.9 grams of dietary fiber, and 5 to 7 milligrams of ascorbic acid, which is the average in vegetables. In addition, there are trace amounts of carotene, a small amount of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and niacin.

However, eggplant is not praised by nutritionists for its vitamin content, but it is especially rich in bioflavonoids, also known as vitamin P.

Flavonoids are not simple. They are mainly found in vegetables and fruits and are a famous natural health care ingredient. Because it appears yellow under alkaline conditions, it is called "flavonoids". The main flavonoid ingredient in eggplant is musk oyster, also known as rutin. Each hundred grams of eggplant contains about 700 mg of flavonoids.

It can enhance the adhesion of human cells, enhance the elasticity of capillaries, reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, prevent microvascular rupture and hemorrhage, maintain normal function of platelets, and have strong antioxidant capacity. Because it can help improve the microcirculation, it has the function of promoting blood circulation and circulation. Therefore, many experts believe that eating eggplant often has certain benefits in preventing hypertension, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

In addition, the saponin in eggplant has a very low cholesterol-lowering effect. Brazilian scientists have found in experiments that the cholesterol content in humans can be reduced by 10% after eating eggplant. American nutritionists always put eggplant in the first place when introducing cholesterol-lowering vegetables. Japanese scientists have confirmed that eggplant has the function of improving the function of the immune system and also has the effect of preventing cancer.

It is worth mentioning that there is a large amount of potassium in the eggplant, which is not inferior to the banana known as potassium. According to the potassium provided by the unit calories, the eggplant is more than twice as much as the banana. Potassium has important physiological functions in the human body. It can maintain osmotic pressure in cells, participate in energy metabolism, maintain normal excitability of nerves and muscles, and help control blood pressure. The risk of cerebrovascular rupture in people with potassium deficiency increases. At the same time, rich potassium can help maintain the body's acid-base balance, avoid acidity and reduce edema.

Eating eggplant in summer is very cool! Oh, eggplant is one of the functional and nutritious vegetables.
What is wrong with eating eggplant? Here is a small series to tell you about the dietary taboo of eggplant. What is wrong with eating eggplant?

Raw eggplant can really lose weight?

Whether eating raw eggplant is beneficial to health, whether it can lose weight, lower blood pressure, lower blood fat, some health experts have questioned the weight loss method of raw eggplant.

 In fact, the material that can absorb oil in eggplant is mainly dietary fiber, and whether eggplant absorbs oil has little to do with the raw and cooked eggplant. Because oil absorption is done by dietary fiber, and temperature does not change the physical and chemical properties of dietary fiber. If you want to put a lot of oil on the eggplant and fried eggplant, you can also eat steamed eggplant. You don't have to eat raw eggplant.

 Not all vegetables can be eaten raw, and some vegetables are very likely to cause poisoning and even cause carcinogens. In general, solanine is high in old raw eggplant. If it is tender, it will eat less, and there may be no obvious symptoms of acute poisoning. However, it cannot be said that eating raw eggplant will not be poisoned. When there is a feeling of numbness in the lips, it is necessary to be alert. It is said that there is no scientific basis for eating raw eggplants than eating cooked eggplants. The practice of using raw eggplant instead of breakfast is obviously not based on any reason and any basis.
A large number of raw eggplants are susceptible to poisoning
Eggplant has a substance called solanine, which has anti-oxidation and inhibits cancer cells. It is one of the sources of eggplant health care; but it has a strong stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, anesthesia on the respiratory center, and the body Poisoning occurs when the intake is high.

Solanine is basically insoluble in water, so it is impossible to remove solanine by boiling, boiling, and the like. Adding vinegar to cooking can help destroy and break down solanine.

The best way to prevent solanine poisoning is to control your intake. However, under normal circumstances, eating 250 grams of eggplant at a meal will not cause any discomfort, so you don't have to be too alarmed.

Eggplant diet considerations

 1, eggplant is suitable for eating.
It can be fried, roasted, steamed, boiled, fried, cold, and soup. It is best not to peel the eggplant because it contains vitamin B. Vitamin B and vitamin C are good partners. Vitamin B needs vitamin B support during the metabolism of vitamin C. Eating eggplant with skin helps promote vitamin C. absorb. Eggplant should not be eaten raw to avoid poisoning.
2, although the eggplant is eaten a lot, but most of the cooking method is higher in temperature and longer, not only greasy, but also a lot of nutrient loss. Fried eggplant vitamin loss can reach more than 50%. In all the eating methods of eggplant, the mixture is the healthiest.

3, eggplant and crab meat are cold foods, eating together will often make the stomach feel uncomfortable, severe diarrhea, especially those with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat.

 4, raw eggplant will be poisoned. Raw eggplant contains a toxin called solanine (also known as solanine), which has more solanin in germinated potatoes and is toxic! Notch is not only found in potato buds, but also in raw eggplants. You can even see the name "solanine".

 5, during pregnancy, friends should choose fresh eggplant when choosing eggplant. It is best not to choose old eggplant, especially the old eggplant after autumn, which contains more solanine, which is harmful to the human body and should not be eaten.

Who is not suitable for enjoying eggplant

1. Because eggplant is a cold-staining vegetable, pregnant women with dyspepsia, diarrhea, spleen and stomach deficiency, and loose stools should not eat more.

 2, pregnant women friends should choose fresh eggplant when choosing eggplant. It is best not to choose old eggplant, especially the old eggplant after autumn, which contains more solanine, which is harmful to the human body and should not be eaten.

 3, eggplant contains very low calories, the elderly and obese people may wish to eat often. Eggplant cold, for people who are prone to long lice, sore sputum can eat more, but spleen and stomach cold, asthma should not eat more.

4, after the autumn, the eggplant has a certain toxin, its taste is bitter, it is best to eat less, especially for diabetic patients, it is necessary to eat less eggplant before surgery.

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