
Monday, June 3, 2019

The benefits of eating cherries The benefits and disadvantages of eating cherries

The benefits of eating cherries The benefits and disadvantages of eating cherries

Cherries are common fruits and many people like to eat cherries. But the nutritional value of cherries is not clear to everyone. Today, I will explain to you the benefits and disadvantages of eating cherries.
The benefits of eating cherries

Cherry nutrients can be rich, and the iron content in the cherry meat is very high, and it is at the top of all kinds of fruit. Regular consumption of cherries can make up for the iron needs in the human body, promote the regeneration of red protein, not only can prevent iron deficiency anemia, but also enhance physical fitness and brain and brain. The related materials show that iron is a material for synthesizing human hemoglobin, which has extremely important meaning for women.

According to a World Health Organization survey, iron deficiency anemia occurs in about 50% of girls, 20% of adult women, and 40% of pregnant women. Adolescent girls grow vigorously, the body needs a lot of iron, plus menstrual cramps, prone to iron deficiency anemia; pregnant lactating women to supply fetal or infant nutrients, the demand for iron is greater; elderly women gastrointestinal Decreased absorption of the tract, weakened hematopoietic function, can also lead to anemia. Also, many women are afraid of being fat, pursuing slimness, eating less meat, and causing imbalanced nutrition, which is also an important cause of iron deficiency. Therefore, eating more cherries can not only alleviate anemia, but also treat a series of gynecological diseases caused by various reasons.

Immerse the cherries in rice vinegar for one week, and drink them once in the morning and evening, about 20 ml each time, which is effective for improving various symptoms caused by long-term use of the computer. However, it should be noted that cherries cannot be eaten because it contains a certain amount of cyanogenic bismuth in addition to iron. Eating too much can cause iron poisoning or cyanide poisoning. Regular consumption of cherries makes the skin rosy and white, wrinkles and eliminates spots, and can maintain beauty. However, cherries contain more iron, which can be poisoned if consumed too much. Cherry is warm, hot disease and fever, cough, eat less.

In summary, cherries have many advantages that other fruits do not have. For example, the iron content in the interior is the highest among all fruits, which also makes it an unshakable position. However, too much edible cherries are not only unhelpful to the body, but also cause poisoning in severe cases, so in the face of attractive cherries, we must stand the temptation to eat properly.

The nutritional value of eating cherries

Has a strong antioxidant effect

First, the red color of cherries is formed by complex ingredients, and one of the phytochemicals known as anthocyanins has a strong "antioxidant" effect.

Antioxidant is an important physiological function. The aging of the human body, the decline of bodily functions, chronic diseases, and the occurrence of certain tumors are all related to the oxidation reaction dominated by free radicals in the body. Antioxidants such as anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, selenium, and brass help fight the oxidation of free radicals. Among them, the antioxidant effect of anthocyanins is considered to be the strongest.

The darker the cherry, the greater the anthocyanin content. Therefore, purple cherries have the greatest antioxidant effect, followed by dark red cherries, light red cherries again, and yellow cherries are the smallest.

Eating cherries can make iron

Second, the cherries contain more iron. Iron is the most trace element in the human body and is closely related to the hematopoietic function of the human body (hemoglobin synthesis).

Anemia caused by iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, is the most common anemia in the clinic. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in life. Although the fruit as a whole is not a good source of iron, the cherry does contain more iron than other fruits.

100 grams of cherries contain 5.9 mg of iron (various varieties, different content, this is a reference), much higher than most other fruits. The iron content of jujube, which has always been regarded as a good blood product, is only 1.2 mg (fresh).

At the same time, cherries also contain more vitamin C (specifically related to the variety) and a small amount of organic acids, which together with the sugar form a cherry sweet and sour taste. Both vitamin C and organic acids can promote iron absorption and increase the absorption rate of iron in the intestine.

In addition, the content of potassium, pectin, carotene and B vitamins in cherries is not lost to other fruits.

The disadvantage of eating cherries

Nutritionists say that although the nutritional value of cherries is very high, the upper limit of the day is preferably around ten, because Chinese medicine thinks that cherries are a kind of fruit that is hot, and eating too much is easy to appear. The symptoms of fire. However, this is directly related to the specific situation and physique of each person.

    Cherry is warm, hot disease and hot cough are not eaten; cherry kernel contains cyanogenic hydrazine, hydrocyanic acid is produced after hydrolysis, and should be carefully poisoned when medicinal.

2. Those with ulcer symptoms, those who are angry, and those who are careful; those who are diabetic should not eat.

3. Cherry has a high potassium content but it cannot be underestimated. It contains 258 mg of potassium per 100 g. It is not a small number for patients with kidney disease. In patients with kidney disease, if the kidneys regulate the loss of water and electrolyte function, the patient will have oliguria and edema. When oliguria occurs, there may be potassium retention due to reduced potassium excretion. If the patient consumes too much cherries, the patient will have hyperkalemia. When the blood potassium is >6.5 mmol/L, the patient's heart can be stopped in a few seconds to several minutes. Therefore, hyperkalemia can be said to be the "invisible killer" of chronic kidney disease.

Cherry is delicious, but the precautions for eating cherries must also be known, otherwise it will make delicious food a healthy killer, not worth the candle.

The contents of the above terms are all from the network, all of which are based on the original author's point of view and are for reference only. They do not represent the position of Jingdong. Thank you for your support to Jingdong. I wish you a happy shopping!

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