
Monday, June 3, 2019

The benefits of eating watermelon in summer, who can't eat watermelon

The benefits of eating watermelon in summer, who can't eat watermelon

How can you lose watermelon as a companion in the hot summer Sitting on the sofa, watching TV, blowing air conditioners, eating watermelons with more sweet and juicy juice, this is called summer. But watermelon is not suitable for everyone to eat. Here, we will introduce you to the benefits and taboos of eating watermelon in summer.

The benefits of eating watermelon in summer
Promote bones Healthy eating watermelon can improve blood flow (called vasodilation) by lowering blood pressure. Lycopene contained in watermelon can also improve bone health. Watermelon is rich in potassium, which helps maintain the body's calcium content and strengthens the bones.

Reduce body fat Watermelon contains citrulline, which can reduce the amount of fat accumulated in our body. With the help of the kidney, citrulline is converted into arginine through a complicated process.

Good for eyes and skin Watermelon is rich in many vitamins, including vitamin A, which is converted into beta-carotene by the body. In addition to improving the health of the eyes, vitamin A also helps maintain the health of the skin and teeth.

Improve immunity Watermelon also contains a lot of vitamin C, and the immune system needs sufficient vitamin C to maintain a good state. Vitamin C also helps wounds heal to form new growing tissues.

Supporting the kidney Watermelon is a natural diuretic, which is different from caffeine and alcohol. This represents fruit diuretic, but does not increase the pressure on the kidneys.
Regulating nerves and muscles Watermelon is also an excellent electrolyte that regulates nerves and muscles. The main determinant of muscle contraction and nerves in the body is the potassium content, which contributes greatly to the control and regulation of nerves and muscles.

So, who should not eat watermelon

Who can't eat watermelon

People with diabetes should eat less watermelon. Watermelon contains a lot of sugar. Excessive consumption of watermelon in diabetic patients will increase the kidney burden of diabetic patients, and it will also lead to increased blood sugar and increased urine sugar. Therefore, diabetics should pay attention to the right amount when eating watermelon.

Don't eat watermelon if you have kidney dysfunction. People with impaired renal function are difficult to excrete if they take too much water. If such patients eat too much watermelon, it will not only make the edema worse, but also lead to an increase in blood volume in the body, which induces acute heart failure.

People with oral ulcers should not eat watermelon. Oral ulcers are considered to be caused by yin deficiency internal heat and virtual fire in Chinese medicine. Eating watermelon causes the water needed for the recovery of the affected area to be excessively discharged, thereby aggravating the yin deficiency and internal heat, resulting in prolonged healing time.

People with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat more watermelon. Watermelon is cold and it is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach. Li Shizhen recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica watermelons and melons are all cold, and the secular thought that the tops of the pots are scented, and the nectar is sprinkled with heart, taking it for a while, I don't know if it hurts the spleen and helps the wet. Therefore, people with spleen and stomach deficiency must pay attention to eating watermelon.

Patients in the early stages of a cold are not suitable for eating watermelon. Medicine believes that whether it is a cold or a cold, if the attack is unsolved, it will aggravate the condition. Because watermelon has the effect of clearing heat, eating watermelon in the early stage of a cold can lead to aggravation of the cold or prolonged disease.

Pregnant women and mothers should eat less watermelon. During pregnancy, the insulin in women is relatively insufficient, and the stabilizing effect on blood sugar is reduced. If the watermelon eats too much, excessive intake of sugar will cause the concentration of sugar in the blood to be too high, which is not good for health. In addition, after the maternal production, the physical condition is relatively weak, the watermelon is cold, and Chinese medicine believes that eating more watermelon will damage the spleen and stomach due to excessive cold.

Older people should eat less watermelon. Older people because of their older age, most people's spleen and stomach function and heart and kidney function will be weakened, eating too much watermelon in summer will damage the spleen and stomach.

Finally, let's teach you how to choose watermelon.

Watermelon selection tips

Look. No matter what kind of variety, the melon skin is clear, the color is bright, the gutt and the umbilical part of the melon are recessed inward, and the root of the melon is strong.
Touch. The melon skin is smooth and the hand feels good.

Hey. The cooked watermelon is relatively light, and the watermelon of the same variety and size is as light as possible.

Bomb. Hold the watermelon in your hand and gently slam it with your fingers to make a crisp sound of “, ”, and the hand of Togua is feeling trembled. If the watermelon makes a squeaky muffled sound, and the hand feels soft, it is generally over-cooked.

Start eating watermelon in the summer, be appropriate.

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