
Sunday, June 9, 2019

The nutritional value of peaches


The nutritional value of peaches

Peach flesh is rich in protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B, vitamin C, carotene, organic acids (mainly malic acid and citric acid) and a lot of water, which can supplement the body's nutrition. Required. In addition, peaches contain more potassium and less sodium, so they are suitable for patients with edema and iron deficiency anemia.

The role and efficacy of peach

The edible effect and effect of peaches are also large. Properly eating peaches for chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, atelectasis, silicosis, tuberculosis, etc., such as dry cough, hemoptysis, chronic fever, night sweats, etc. To the health care role of nourishing yin and tonifying qi, tonifying the lungs and lungs.

1, peach has the effect of replenishing qi and blood, nourishing yin and fluid, can be used after a serious illness, qi and blood deficiency, facial yellow muscle thin, palpitations and shortness of breath;

2, peach kernel has activating blood circulation, laxative effect, can be used for adjuvant therapy such as amenorrhea, bruises;

3, peach kernel extract has anticoagulant effect, and can inhibit the cough center and cough, while reducing blood pressure, can be used for adjuvant treatment of hypertensive patients;

4, peach has high iron content, high potassium content, less sodium, suitable for people with iron deficiency anemia, but also suitable for patients with edema.

Taboo for eating peaches

1. People who are usually hot in the heat and prone to sores are not allowed to eat more.

2, it is best not to feed the baby to the peach, because the peach contains a lot of macromolecular substances, infants and stomach dialysis ability is poor, can not digest these substances, it is easy to cause allergic reactions.

3, patients with multiple illnesses and patients with weak gastrointestinal function should not be eaten, because it will increase the burden on the stomach.

4, eating peaches will cause allergies to fasting.

5, immature peaches can not eat, otherwise it will bloating or oysters.

6, even mature peaches, can not eat too much, too much will make people get angry.

7, rotten peach cut can not be eaten.

8, peach bogey and turtles with food.

9, diabetic patients and high blood sugar should eat less peaches.

How to wash peaches?

There are many fine fluff on the surface of the peach. People will feel uncomfortable after eating it. Therefore, before cleaning the peach, carefully wash it. Try the following cleaning methods:

1, salt cleaning method. Wet the surface of the peach and sprinkle some fine salt, then rinse it back and forth evenly, and then rinse off with water.

2, edible alkali cleaning method. Put a little edible alkali in the water, put the fresh peach into the soak for 3 minutes, stir a few times, so the peach will automatically float up, clean a few hairs will be gone.

3. Gently brush the toothbrush. You can choose a special toothbrush to wash the peaches, but be careful not to touch the peaches before brushing, especially if there are pits. Finally, wash it with water.

4. If you buy more peaches at one time, you can put them all in one bag, then fill the bag with water, and divide the bag's mouth with a bag, licking the peaches through the bag, so that you can use each other between the peaches. Rub the peaches and wash them with water.

5, peeled. Peeling peaches directly is the most convenient and quick way.

How to choose peaches?

When buying peaches, besides seeing if there is any crack in the appearance, you should also pay attention to the hand touch, the surface is hairy, and the tingling is not watered, you can choose; then press hard, the hardness is moderate and It is better if there is no water. If it is too soft, it is easy to be rotten and not conducive to preservation. The red peaches are not necessarily sweet. Do not buy the peach core and the pulp. If the kernel and the meat stick together, the flesh is sweet.

How to save peaches?

When you save the peach, you can store it in the refrigerator or at room temperature. When stored in the refrigerator, it is best to wash and dry the water; it should be noted that after the peach is stored in the refrigerator, the sugar may be reduced, the taste is not so sweet, so it is recommended that friends who like to eat sweet peaches should avoid the refrigerator. save. Avoid direct sunlight when storing at room temperature, avoid excessive temperature, place it in a ventilated place, and do not touch the water. Keep away from the already broken peaches.

Can pregnant women eat peaches?

It is very beneficial for pregnant women to eat properly. The peach tastes sweet, the flesh is soft and tender, and it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and a lot of water. It has the effect of nourishing yin and fluid. Peaches contain a lot of iron, which is one of the very good foods for iron supplementation during pregnancy. After the middle and late pregnancy, the fetus needs a lot of iron, while the peach contains a lot of iron, and it is necessary to eat some nutrients. . In addition, peaches have higher potassium content and less sodium, which is suitable for pregnant women with edema. But it is worth noting that peaches eat more easily get angry, cause the body is not, pregnant women should not eat too much.

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